Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Alright, let's talk...
About New Year's resolutions! 2007 was undeniably the worst year for me thus far. I'm committed to making 2008 a year for new beginnings and a new me! With this in mind, I'd like to share with you some of my personal resolutions (in no particular order):
1. Take better care of myself physically
2. Find the patience I lost somewhere along the way (particularly with my children)
3. Develop more of a social life/social network and stop making so many excuses for always being alone
4. Become more financially responsible and independent
5. Take more pride in myself (and stop being my worst my bigget advocate for a change!!)
Ok, so I'm sure I can think of 100 more to add, but these are the most important (for this minute)
To begin this adventure, I'll be joining my single parents group for "Magic Mountain New Year's Eve" in New Hampshire. I'm very excited for this and will be with new friends, having a blast and ringing in the new year with champagne and fireworks!
Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!!!
Posted by
10:16 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Almost over...
Christmas, that is. It's been a tough couple of days. Lots of memories and feeling left behind. It was my choice, of course, not to join Keith with his family, but I didn't feel it was appropriate to go. I was also very bored these last 2 days...remember, everyone, that I wrote that!! When I post again, complaining about being too busy, too stressed...remind me that apparently I'm hard to please! :) I did hope to do something today, but no such luck. Not much open on Christmas Day! Ohh well! The kids had a great few days. They seemed ok being without me, which was good. Last night, however, Zack had a real hard time sleeping. He was up with me every 2-3 hours, saying that he was afraid that Santa would come into his room. Apparently my reassurance wasn't enough. He did say, this morning, that I was right and Santa never did come into his room! The whole time Sarah was opening her gifts, she kept saying "How did Santa know I wanted this?" Or "How did Santa and his elves MAKE this?" They are still asking me where Santa gets his sleigh! They want one and don't understand why they don't have sleigh stores like they have car stores. Ohh to try and rationalize with a 4 year old!! Here are some pictures from this morning opening presents from Santa. These are all I have, so enjoy!
Posted by
9:18 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Can you take a minute
And send me some thoughts or prayers. I would greatly appreciate it. Without getting into too much detail at this time, I've been having some health problems over the last several months that my doctors and I have just begun to try to figure out. It's rather frustrating as the waiting and guessing game has begun...Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. Once I know something, I'll be sure to post an update. Hey!? I was told that things start going downhill at 30! Whoever said that to me...not happy with you, ok?!! :)
Posted by
9:27 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Phew! What a vacation!!
I had a GREAT time away with Valerie!! I had 2 nights out (more than I've had in the last 2 years!!!) and we had a blast! I was able to meet Valerie's friends, and possible new boyfriend (she won't like me saying that!) It was so good to see her again! I was also able to see an old friend Bernice. She was my old supervisor in grad school(even through she is only 4 years older) and we've kept in touch all these years. We went to Charleston for the day and did a lot of shopping!! We even bought matching pendants and spent a lot of quality time together. The only difficult part of the vacation was being too naive that going back to SC after being gone for over 6 years wasn't going to affect me at all. Boy was I wrong!! It was much harder than I thought it would be to go back to where Keith and I began our married life. Stupid me asked Valerie to take me to see our old neighborhood. We drove right by our old house and it was truly like time had stood still. The garage doors were open and a man was doing something in the garage. I closed my eyes and saw Keith sitting on the front porch. I saw Hayle and Daisy running around the yard. I saw both of us running through the woods chasing after Bubba when he escaped the house. It was surreal and very emotional. I'm so glad I went, but I was definitely unprepared for the emotions it created. Par for the course, I guess.
I'm waiting (patiently) for Valerie to send me the pictures she took over the weekend. Once she does that, I'll weed out the inappropriate (I mean silly...yeah, silly) ones and post a few of us here.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Leaving tomorrow
And I'm so excited!! I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to go to South Carolina to spend a few days with my friend Valerie from Grad school. She came her to visit us last year, which was the first time I saw her since we graduated and I moved back here. It was suggested that I go on vacation to begin to build new memories for myself. Take time for selfish and have fun. So, that's exactly what I have planned! I know tomorrow night Valerie and her friends are taking me out for a night on the town. Sunday we are spending the day in Charleston. Otherwise, not much else. I do want to visit with another friend of mine, but I'm not sure yet. And, of course the weather in SC all week has been in the 80's. I come to town and the highs will be in the 50's. It beats the foot of snow I'll be leaving behind!! Anyway...see y'all in a few days!! Maybe I'll come home with an accent again! One can only hope. (yeah right.)
Posted by
9:52 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
They're BAAAAACK!!
My flying squirrels, that is!! Last night I seriously think they had a party in my crawl space behind the bathroom and invited all the squirrels in the neighborhood! Daisy was not happy to have been left out of the party...needless to say by 3:30am, both dogs were in their cages to sleep the rest of the night. Daisy just wouldn't quit and Hayle was terrified. Big wimp! I called the wildlife specialist this morning and told him what happened. His response was "Tis the season." He said at 9am that I was his 4th call already about flying squirrels. Someone was at my house by 10:30am and checked the existing traps in the attic. He found one dead squirrel and one dead bat! Yup!! I did say bat! So, I have flying squirrels and bats, apparently. He didn't see any bats other than the obvious one, but if one can get in, others can get in. He re-baited and reset all the other traps and put more around...just in case. Now I just want a good night sleep. If it's not the freaking's my son getting me up at 5:30am!! This morning at 5:30 he asked if he could play in his room cause he knew I was sleeping. I said absolutely not! He stormed back into his room and next thing I know it's 6am and I hear both kids up and playing in Sarah's room...I just can't fight this battle. Ugh...but mommy needs her sleep!
Posted by
8:41 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Can you believe this??
I still haven't heard about the offer on the house!! We did go back and forth a bit and finally Keith and I agreed to the amount she was offering on the house, but was still trying to negotiate on the closing date (since it took her a week to get back to us!!). Well, now she is wavering and keeps saying that she needs more time. What the heck?! After talking with her agent, my agent thinks that she is apprehensive to make sure a financial commitment on a house she never saw...not my problem, lady!! Her son came and loved it! Really, she should have never made an offer to begin with, but as my agent says...until she signs a piece of paper, she can do whatever she wants. UGH!!! So, we are still in limbo...
I never did realize how frustrating it is to sell a house. My mom came yesterday to go house hunting with me...the first time I actually decided to look. I really was afraid that she would agree to our counter offer and want to close in a month. I wanted to look...just in case. Well, of course I found a great house with a basement playroom, fenced in backyard and great neighborhood. We looked at 5 houses and 2 of them we found out are owned by people who lost their jobs and now are loosing their house. Not that there is ever a good time to be faced with loosing your house and job, but this time of year is the worst. Makes me feel terrible for them and thankful for what I do have. Strange considering I'm loosing my house because of divorce...but just seems different. I just don't ever want to loose sight of what I do have in life...a wonderfully supportive family, fantastic kids, great friends and a job I love. The missing link is selling my house and moving...UGH! Brings be back to the beginning of my post...oh well.
Posted by
9:54 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
40 minutes left to November...
Tomorrow is December 1st. Just in case you didn't realize that. December brought for me, last year, the demise of my marriage...from girl's night with Marci on the 9th to my phone call from Rob on the 11th, and basically kicking Keith out on the 15th. During that time I played detective and learned how to master my facades. Not once did he realize anything was wrong the whole week...little did he know. Guess he was distracted. I knew then how much my life would change when I said those words "I want a divorce." But, never did I think I'd still be here, laying on my couch in what was supposed to be our dream home, a full year later! We listed the house on the market in February and 2 days ago we got our first offer. I'm very superstitious, so even writing those words causes me anxiety. In a nutshell, the offer was low, we countered their offer and we're still waiting...Ohh the lovely waiting game! Thankfully Melissa is in the process of moving this weekend to a new house so Zack and Sarah are all about moving! If this works out, it couldn't come at a better time! They really don't understand any of it, but if moving is good for their best friends, it's good enough for them!! I go back and forth being absolutely terrified out of my mind at the thought of moving and buying a new house all on my own. The next minute I'm thrilled and want it tomorrow!! Ohh did I fail to mention that the people who made the offer on my house want to close in 30 days...yup!! You read that right. Not sure what the kids and I and the dogs and the cats...phew! That's a lot of us...will do! We'll figure it out. Everything happens for a reason, right? And what better way to start the new year and put 2007 behind me than selling my house. Cutting the last remaining ties I have to Keith (except the kids of course!) Sounds good. Hopefully I'll hear soon and will be able to post with good news!
On a side note, I wanted to talk about some exciting things coming up for 2008...weddings!!!! My friend Lisa is getting married in July, Marci in September and Jill in November. Busy, busy! But so exciting!! I wanted to wish each of you a lifetime of dreams come true! May only the best come your way with little struggles and difficulty, but much love, happiness, health and compromises!
And how can I forget to add that my little Zack and Sarah will be the flower girl and ring bearer for Marci and Marc next September. How freaking cute will my munchkins be?!?! Sarah is already preparing! She came into my room the other morning carrying her pocketbook.
This was our conversation:
Sarah: "I'm ALL ready!!!"
me: "For school? It's too early."
Sarah: "No, for Auntie Marci's wedding!"
me: "Hmm??" (hey! It's 6am people!!)
Sarah: "I have my brush, comb and curling iron. I have to curl my hair for Auntie Marci's wedding. I'm ready."
me: "Ok honey." (don't you remember I said it was 6am!?)
Later I tried to explain to her that Auntie Marci and Uncle Marc wouldn't be getting married until after she turned 5 years old. She said "Ok. Then I'll be ready", as she was pretending to curl her hair in the mirror. Marci has created a monster in my daughter! :)
Posted by
11:40 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Going back a bit in time...
Ok...first of all, Thanksgiving. Keith had the kids for the day and I went to a new friend Sandy's house. She is the organizer for the single parents meet-up group I joined a while ago. She opened her door to those of us without our children for the holiday or for those who have their children but no family to be with. It was a great day! The food was fantastic, the music was great and the company even better. I'm was so thankful to have met this wonderful group of people. On Friday, the kids and I went to my parent's house for OUR family thanksgiving. Speaking of great food!! I'm sorry, but nothing beats mom's cooking! We had a very nice day just the four of us and dessert with Aunt Sheila and Auntie Marci. I finally got to see Marci's GORGEOUS engagement ring! We can't be more excited about Marci and Marc's upcoming wedding...The planning is in full swing and my lips are sealed!! (don't worry Marci! I had you sweating, didn't I?!)
The rest of the weekend consisted of breakfast with cousin Aaron, cousin Elaine and cousin Steve...that's always a trip!! I swear, the kids just can't get enough of Aaron!! We did a lot of playing and more eating! Today (Sunday) was Aunt Hyla and Uncle Ivan's 40th anniversary party. We all had a great time...and yet again, great food!!!! (see a theme here?) Overall, it was a great weekend, a great Thanksgiving, and fantastic food!
Posted by
9:56 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I'm back...finally!
Sorry for the delay in posting about our trip. We got back from Disney late Saturday night and it's been a whirlwind ever since...just trying to get back into our old routine, sleep schedules, work...etc. It's amazing how off we were after only 7 days away!!
Ok...the trip. It was great for the kids. I'm very glad I decided to go and don't regret it at all!! We spent a lot of time in Magic Kingdom, met all the characters and rode on lots of rides! It was a challenge because every ride the kids went on was their favorite. That one ride was the only one they wanted to go on and it was a fight to convince them to try another ride. Once we did...the new one was their favorite. And so on...Tired yet?! We had breakfast with Chef Mickey and friends at the Contemporary resort and breakfast with the princesses in Epcot. We spent some time in Epcot but the kids weren't interested in the countries, so most of our time there consisted of eating or shopping. We did spend a few hours at Blizzard Beach (water park) which was a blast!! We didn't go to MGM...kid's aren't really old enough for much. Ohh yeah...and we went to Animal Kingdom. The safari at Animal Kingdom was great as were the rides. The kids really loved it here! We stayed at the Pop Century Resort which celebrates pop cultures from the 50's to the 90's. Very cool! Our room was in the 60's building. Just outside our room was a 4 story Mickey Mouse telephone...just like something I would have had when I was 9. There was also a Foosball table with figures a story and a half tall...everything in this resort was over sized! Even Mr. and Mrs. Potato heads were over 2 stories tall and there was a 4 story tall Rubik cube! We spend some time at the hotel, but not much. Mainly for meals, playing for a bit in the arcade, swimming a few times in the pool, shopping and sleeping. The kids really had a great time, despite cycling through being completely overwhelmed, completely ecstatic, or completely overtired! The first night there Sarah actually feel asleep on Keith at dinner in the Rainforest Cafe. If you've ever been there you know it's anything but quiet...she didn't seem to mind! :)
I on the other hand, had a tough week. It was very hard being so close to Keith for 7 days straight. Especially after being separated for almost a year! It was hard to not fall back into old habits. I found that he struggled with it too by catching himself call me "sweetie," or making old comments. I kept myself from doing any of that but I was all too aware of wanting to put my hand on his leg, or lean into him...just because it's what I would have done. After a few days of that the emotional roller coaster became even worse. I also discovered while there that he has a girlfriend (don't even ask me how I found out...not going there!) which was a blow. I had a feeling and I knew he had been dating for a while but this one apparently is more that just a date. My heart hurts but throughout the week it was very apparent why I'm not with him. Almost on a daily basis I would say to myself "Thank god I don't have to deal with that anymore!!" I knew from the beginning that he wouldn't be single for long...he doesn't have it in him. That just says to me that he hasn't learned from any of his mistakes and will continue to make them over and over. Not my problem, right?! I'm taking my time and doing what I need to do to get healthy. My only fear is that the children will suffer the repercussions of his issues. My hope is that they will always see me as strong, resilient, fun, stable and consistent, despite what kind of life their father lives. I will make mistakes, but I will do what I can to learn from my mistakes and grow from them. I hope they learn this from me. So, anyway...I'm glad the week is over and I'm very glad to get back into real life. I feel much better being home and now I just have to find where I left my patience...maybe back in Fla??
Tomorrow will be my first holiday without my children. I was invited to go with the kids to Keith's aunt's house for Thanksgiving, but I decided not to go. I am going to a woman's house (who I am beginning to get to know better) who runs the single parent's meet-up group I belong to. She is having people over who don't have their children for the holiday, or who have their children but no family to be with. She is expecting 18 adults, most of whom I know. I'm really looking forward to it and it should be a lot of fun! They can get pretty wild which is right up my alley. The kids are sleeping over at Keith's tomorrow night, which will be a nice break for me, and then Friday the kids and I are going to my parent's for our Thanksgiving. I'm spending the weekend, which should be really nice. So...all in all, I'm hoping for an uneventful and fun next 4 days. Hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving!!!
Posted by
11:53 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
So long folks!
For about a week...I'm off to Disney tomorrow morning. The kids are beyond excited! Tonight as I was putting them to bed we were talking about who they wanted to meet. Zack said "I only want to meet Mickey." I told him there will be many other character to meet, but he said "as long as I get to see Mickey." Ohh honey, you'll meet Mickey alright! And Sarah said she is excited to see Tinkerbell and Cinderella. I told her she would see Cinderella's castle and she said "The REAL one?!" Ohh they have no idea what they are in for!! I'm getting very excited living through them and we aren't even there yet. So, I'm finally getting to the point where I can sit and say that I know I'll have a good time. I know I can put all of that other stuff aside and enjoy a week away with my kids. I'll have my computer so if I can I'll check in and post some pictures. Gotta do something as I lay in the hotel room while Zack and Sarah are sleeping, right? Then again, I'll probably be snoozing as well! :)
Happy Birthday to my sister, Jodi. Wish you were here.
Posted by
10:10 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous!!!
Or absolutely crazy, maybe!! In 4 days I leave for Disney world with my ex husband, our children and HIS family. OK, as I type that I KNOW I'm crazy!! How could I go on a family vacation with people who aren't my family anymore? WE aren't a family anymore! But, they are! To clear up any misconceptions, I am going for my children. To be there with them the first time they meet Mickey. How could I miss that?? And the kids and I will be staying in one hotel room and Keith will be staying with his parents. Now I hear you all breathe a sigh of relief...of course I wouldn't stay with him. It's bad enough that I'm going on a weeks vacation with him! :) But, seriously, I think I wouldn't be as nervous if it were just Keith and I. We get along fine! It's awkward sometimes but not bad. Add his family into the mix and I feel like I can't be me. I'll have to put on a pretend smile all week long, no matter how I feel. OK, my rational brain tells me that I can act any way I want and the hell with anyone to tell me otherwise...I know that. But, I'm also pretty good at pretending and it seems to come more naturally since our separation and divorce. Don't worry...I'm working on it!! Very hard.
So, the count down has begun...
Posted by
9:14 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Oye! I'm tired!! I don't know if it's from being sick, or the time change but both kids have been up every morning between 5-5:30am!!! Ugh...Sleep children sleep! And they have been going to bed at the same time too so I'm baffled! They gave me their cold and I'm totally overwhelmed with Disney coming up!! Not now, not now, not now!! I need sleep...Aaahhhhh.....
Posted by
8:53 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Getting ready for school have to look at these pictures and laugh! I know I did! As I was running around getting the kids backpacks ready for school, I hear them both in the other room tell me that they are helping to get ready. I expected to come in and see them getting their snacks, their shoes on or maybe picking up some toys. Nope! I come in to find Sarah sweeping the kitchen floor while Zack brushes her hair! Sarah said that she asked Zack to do her hair for her because I hurt her too much and he is more gentle. She said she wanted to sweep because the dogs dragged in leaves. How thoughtful! And what a nice brother to do her hair for her! I wonder if he'll do that as readily in 5 years or so! :)
Posted by
10:40 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
My little muchkins were well enough to go trick-or-treating last night! They had a great time! We had to bring the stroller because Sarah had a hard time breathing, but we actually made it all the way to the end of the side street near my house. It was a fun night!
Posted by
10:22 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
It's been a pretty eventful couple of days!
To say the least! And after this, I think I really could sleep for 24 hours!!
Let's begin on Monday, shall we? Sarah coughed a few times...sounded really silly but she was acting even sillier so I didn't think anything of it. We went to Jocelyn's birthday party that night and the kids had the time of their lives!! Running around the hall like maniacs and not sitting for more than a minute or two. Tuesday morning the kids woke up and Sarah coughed a few more times and didn't really want to eat her breakfast...weird for her because she can clean me out of a box of pancakes in one sitting!! She had a low grade fever and I could hear her breathing in the other room! Now that freaked me out!! So I called her pediatrician for an appointment. Sarah was diagnosed with croup. No big deal and pretty common in younger children, I guess, but to hear your child coughing and wheezing to the point that you think she will throw up, turn blue or both, is terrifying!! She has this raspy breathing and any kind of activity leaves her with a coughing fit to the point that she can't breathe. Ugh...poor baby.
So, we get home from the doctor and I tell Sarah to rest on the couch while I get lunch ready. Zack does the same but then he doesn't want lunch. Hmmm.... Then he starts whining about everything...Uhh ohh! You guessed it. Fever of over 101!! Kid! You couldn't have told me that you didn't feel well WHILE we were at the doctor?? So he's sick too. Nice day...on and off back and forth between each kid. So, I prepared myself for a late night being up with kids who can't breath and are sick. I get ready for bed and let the dogs out for the last time of the night. Hayle comes in with her face round and swollen!! Her lips were sticking out and the bridge of her nose was swollen. I called the emergency vets and they said that the prednisone I gave her should help some and that I should give her Benedryl as well. Well, I don't have that in my house and I can not drag 2 sick kids out to the drug store to get it. UGH!!!! This is one of those times when it really sucks being here alone. If I weren't alone, someone could stay with the kids while the other ran to the store. Even though the kids and the dog slept relatively well that night, I was up most of the night listening to all three of their breathing. Every time Sarah coughed I jumped. Every time Hayle moved I checked her to make sure her breathing wasn't compromised. Again, if I wasn't alone...yeah, you get it. It just sucked.
So, Hayle went to the vet this morning and is on her way back to having a normal face. The kids are on the mend as well...slowly but Shirley. And I'm looking forward to a great night sleep tonight!! One can only hope!
Had to add that I still have yet to figure out how to post pictures here but I better soon because tonight is trick-or-treating!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Posted by
4:46 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I feel like I'm 16 again!!
Just wanted to brag...I woke up this morning at 11:50am!!! I can't believe it! I got up with the dogs to let them out at 8:30am but decided to lay back down...after all, what do I have to get up for?? Next thing I know I roll over, look at the clock and it's practically lunch time!! Wow! Nice to have a day without my kids! (One morning a week, at least) Guess I needed I'm absolutely rejuvenated for another fun week!
Posted by
2:23 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Oh to be a 4 year old...
Thought I would share a few new favorite words and phrases from my kids:
Let's start with Zack:
"Stupy" (this is his version of "stupid" because he knows this is a bad word. Guess he figures I'd be ok with, no!)
"Bum, butt..." (or any version thereof)
"Aaahhhhhh...." (this is him screaming...constantly!)
"Roarrrrrr..." (this is him as a lion, monster...depends on the minute, and I'm never correct in guessing)
"Woof! Woof!" (This is when he decides that human words aren't good enough and will only answer in animal)
"Here's my booger mom!"
"You need to wipe my bum!"
Do you notice a theme here? If it's not about bodily functions and body parts it's animals sounds and nonsense words. Tries a mother's patience.
Now onto Sarah:
"Look at big baby."
"Doesn't big baby look pretty?"
"Big baby is crying."
"I have to feed big baby."
"I have to hold big baby."
"Big baby is crying."
"I need to change big baby's clothes."
"I have to change her clothes again."
"Do you want to hold big baby?"
"Big baby needs her diaper changed."
This is Sarah's theme...BIG BABY!!! It's cute because she really dotes on this doll and believes she is her real baby, but after hearing it all day, babysitting for her, helping her change diapers, snap buttons...I feel like I now have another real baby in the house! :)
Zack wants nothing to do with big baby unless it's to throw her around or run her over with the vacuum or lawn mower. Thankfully Sarah still likes to play kittys or puppies with Zack...I don't know what I'll do when that time ends!
Posted by
8:26 AM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
What a great day!!
The kids and I had a fantastic day today!!! They both slept in (prayers answered for mom) and had a silly morning. This afternoon they had a playdate with their new friend, Becca (who's dad is a member of the meetup group I belong to). More new friends were supposed to come...not sure why they didn't, but Zack and Sarah had so much fun with Becca!!! They jumped in leaves, played games, colored, painted pumpkins and had so much fun! After the playdate I took them to the local fairgrounds to buy a large pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern and unknowingly where they had pony rides, a petting zoo and gigantic sand box. I sat in the sun and watched them smile and laugh...great memories! Of course they picked the largest (tallest) pumpkin they could find and how could I resist?? A nice young kid helped me carry this monster to my car, but you should have seen the spectacle I made of myself trying to get this thing into the house! I put it on a mat on the kitchen floor, cut off the top and let the kids have at it! They were so excited to clean out the pumpkin of all the seeds so I could roast them that we ran out of time to carve it into the scary face the kids were hoping for. Leaves us something to do tomorrow! I took a lot of pictures, but now need to figure out how to post it here...
What a great day!!!
Posted by
10:09 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Reconnecting with family
I just wanted to say how thankful I am that I have reconnected with 3rd cousin Aaron. After a short time we have become closer than we ever have, and the fact that we are "real" family is unique to me. For those of you who don't know me well, I barely have any "real" family. My family consist of special life-long friends.
Aaron has really reached out to me since moving back to RI, which I truly appreciate, and has become a name that is said just about daily around here. Zack and Sarah can't get enough of him!! And I'm lucky to get spoiled once in a while by Aaron's parents...gotta love those calls..."My parents are in for the weekend and want to know if you and the kids want to come out for dinner with us?" Hell yeah!! Like tonight! :) It's wonderful and we always have a great time! Not to mention our Monday night date-nights! Prison Break (to watch my boyfriend) and Monday Night Football during the commercials (for Aaron). And don't forget about dinner, too!
I just wanted to send a shout out to 3rd cousin Aaron and say thank you for being such a great cousin to Zack, Sarah and I!!
Posted by
9:20 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Lady bug, lady away home!
Well...we have lady bugs! My house is absolutely infested! It began 2 days ago where they would plaster themselves all over the outside of the house, covering the siding. It actually made the house look a different color! Well, they have since moved themselves inside. I got home from work last night and just the top of the fireplace was covered with probably 200-300 ladybugs! Gross!! I've been vacuuming every single one I can get my hands on since. Zack and Sarah actually helped me this morning by picking up any lady bug they could find and putting them on their shirts. They were making families...telling me that this one crawling over here is the mommy, this one on my arm is the daddy, this one on my cheek is one baby...ewwww..... My bug-phobic little girl had lady bugs crawling all over her this morning and thought it was the best thing since ice cream! Now they say that the bugs are here because they are having a sleepover party. somewhere else! I'm just hoping the flying squirrels get them!!
The cats are sure trying hard! :)
Posted by
10:04 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Please say this day can't get worse...
Ok, I'm being a bit dramatic, but it hasn't been the best start of my far. I was helping Zack get dressed this morning and as I stood up, my sweatpants stuck to the tacks between the living room carpet and kitchen floor and...yup! You guess it! RIP!!! There goes my sweatpants! Zack thought it was the funniest thing that's happened in a long time and chased me around the house telling me that he could see my bum! Thanks Zack! :) Then as I was shivering, I went to put the heat on to get the chill out of the house...hmmm...why is the thermostat set to heat/auto, yet it's still 62 degrees in the house??? Same thing upstairs. No heat. So I called around and preferred to call the neighbors rather than pay the $400 to have the gas company come out. Niki, thank g-d for Niki, asked if the filter has been changed? I had no idea, figuring that Keith had taken care of it. Called him...his response? "I didn't know there even was a filter!" Shit. So, after dropping the kids off at school, I plopped myself down on the concrete basement floor to read the manual to the furnace. I figured out how to get the filter out (who knew??) and thankfully the manual says the filter can be washed. I washed it and now it's drying...please keep your fingers crossed!!!! Finally I got to sit down and relax with my cereal and a cup of coffee. Something spooked the cat and yup! My coffee goes flying across the room, all over Daisy, the end table, carpet, wall and couch. And this wasn't a small cup of was a large travel mug!! Of course! So I spent the last half hour sopping up coffee out of the rug, washing the carpet, couch, scrubbing the wall, and the dog...just what I wanted to do!! Let's I even want to risk taking a shower? I'll probably fall and break something! Oye...
One thing I wanted to add about the problem with the furnace...I thought I was going to have an absolute panic attack! I was on the verge of either crying or screaming. I consider myself to be a very optimist and rational person, but not having heat this morning threw me for a loop. It was like a smack in the face that I had to handle this all alone. Not that Keith was really any help before, but at least it wasn't all my responsibility. Now it is. He offered to help, but honestly, what could he do that I couldn't do. So, is that my pride getting in my way again? My point is, even when this house sells and I buy a new house...I'm all on my own. If something breaks, it's my responsibility to fix it, take care of it, clean it...all of it. Granted I have already been doing that for years, but this morning it was very real. Don't get me wrong, I have faith in myself that I'll be just fine and figure it all out myself. And if I can't, I'll ask for help! After all, I've been doing it all so far...and if I can catch a wild flying squirrel in my laundry room, I can do anything, right?! :)
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10:32 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
First post
Thank you for coming to officially welcome me to the world of blogging! I can honestly say that I am a blog-virgin, so please bear with me as I manouver through this new universe I am trying to create. I thought this was a good avenue to update all on the goings on in my new life; my life as a single mom of four year old twins. So, welcome, and check back often...although I can not guarantee that I will be back for a few days, weeks...whenever I think of it! :) Or when exciting things happen in our lives! I promise...however long it takes...I will be back!
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10:43 PM