It's little boy is now a BIG boy and went to sleep tonight without his binkey!! First and only time in 4 1/2 years! He wrote his letter to the binkey fairy letting her know that he was ready to give her his binkey, for her to give it to Uncle Scott and Aunt Adi's new baby. I made the suggestion for him to give it up last night (probably suggestion #1,258,987) and it actually seemed to excite him. Granted it was 2am after he woke me up to help him find it under his bed. In a groggy voice I told him it was time to give it to the binkey fairy and he said "OK!!" I didn't mean at that moment but sure enough he brought it up again this morning! Tonight he put his binkey in the envelope with his letter and left it by the door for her to come and get it. All on his own. When I asked him what he hoped she would leave him as a gift, he said money. I asked him why and he said that way he could put it in his bank or go to the store. He seemed happy with that and went to sleep without making a sound!! I'm so proud of my big boy!! For the last year and a half I've been talking to him about giving it up. Every time he skirts the issue, changes the subject or adamantly refuses. I never pushed it because the pediatrician, dentist (and I) knew it was important for him to have this transitional object until we moved and got settled. It was always his one true security object. Sarah gave hers away shortly after Keith left but that was her decision. So, as most things that I worry about...he did it all on his own and without an issue of any kind. Proved me wrong...again! :) He truly was ready. My baby is now a big boy!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Little by little...
After 2 extremely seamless and easy (is that actually possible?) closings, I've officially been living in MY new house (yes, i said MY house!!!) for 3 full days and it's coming along! Little by little the boxes are beginning to disappear. However, disappearing may actually mean just moved to the basement, but for now, that's ok! The kids can finally sit at the island in the kitchen, which they have been waiting to do! I'm going to begin to get estimates about painting the interior in the next few days. Once that is done the house will be amazing!! I'm not placing the furniture just-so yet and absolutely nothing on the walls until that is all done. Plus I can't forget about the basement! All in due time! All of us seem to be adjusting well. Keith, thank g-d, has been a great help with moving boxes, setting up tv's, computers, taking care of the animals, etc. I'm grateful for it. My friend said "Why would you let him do that in YOUR house now? It's not like it's his house anymore!" My answer to that is the more he is willing to do is less that I have to do. I'm done being a martyr. If someone offers to help, why wouldn't I take them up on that offer? (word of caution for those of you who offer just because it's the nice thing to do...expect me to actually take you up on your offer! :) ) The kids have done amazingly well! We drove to CT for Passover yesterday and more than a few times both kids told me how much they love their new house! It's so nice to hear. They've been sleeping well, adjusting to the new rooms, having everything they own still in boxes...they are great kids! The best so far has been me keeping busy around the house while the kids bounce in and out of the house to the backyard to play. I talk to them through the window and keep an eye on them, but feel 100% confident in the LOCKED fenced in backyard! How did I ever manage without it? Even the animals are adjusting. Hayle was my shadow for a day or so and never left my side but even she is pretty much back to normal. Overall, things are great! Thanks for keeping the kids and I in your thoughts...everything seems to be working out just the way it's supposed to!!
Posted by
9:59 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Today's the day!!
The moving company should be here in just under 2 hours! YEAH!!! And other than some odds and ends around, everything is packed!! Now I'm getting excited! Keith just left with the animals and kids to bring them to the vet to be kenneled (animals, not kids! Although sometimes I wonder...) It made me sad to think they would never come back to this house, but then again, so much better awaits them at the new house. I reminded Hayle about that last night when I had to carry her upstairs to bed. Need I remind you all that she is just about 90lbs! I'll be happy not to have to do that anymore! The kids are beyond excited but a little confused. This morning they went around saying good-bye to everything. They really seem to understand and I'm grateful for that. Even their teacher said she seldomly sees children as well adjusted as Zack and Sarah are. That means so much to me considering everything they have been through in the last year or so! Anyway...enough procrastinating. I'm sure something else needs to be done and sitting on the couch on the computer is not one of them!! :) Hasta La Vista, Baby!!
Posted by
11:08 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Getting there!
Just a quick check in. I'm getting there with the packing, thanks to my parents and Keith. The garage, basement, most of the kids rooms, most of the kitchen, the playroom, dining room and sitting room are done. Today I tackled I know you don't need to hear all of this. I just wanted to update. 4 days until moving day and 5 days until the closing...
Posted by
7:46 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tick, tock....Tick, tock...
Hear time ticking?? I certainly do (as I lay here on the couch with my laptop on my lap when I should be packing or something!!!) One week from today everything will already have been moved out of the house, the house will be all clean and ready for the new owners on Friday. We are all set for the Mass closing at 9am Friday morning and the RI closing at 2pm the same day. Ugh. Thank god my dad will be coming to help. After our closing Keith will take care of the kids for the day and get the animals from the vet before they close. So far, so good...I guess, with all the details and odds and ends. It amazes me how much I've had to be on the phone between attorneys, mortgage companies, insurance companies, cable companies, real estate agents, inspectors, etc. You name it...I've had to call them. This will be the 4th house I've owned but have never had to do all of this before...never realized how much Keith took care of before. It's all going well, thankfully, but my goodness! I've been good disciplining myself to pack or organize a little every night. Keith has been coming over almost everyday moving heavy things, taking trips to the dumpster (shhh...not allowed to do that!) and going through everything to get his stuff out and put it into storage. One more week...I can't believe it! I'll do the best I can to update before the move but if I can' fear...I have the cable company coming the day of the closing so that night I will have internet and phone access. YEAH!!! I won't have food in the house, but I will certainly be able to get online! Priorities...nice.
Posted by
10:30 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Packing, packing, and yet more packing...
Anyone wanna come and help??? :) Wishful thinking on my part. I am mostly done in Zack's room and just finished the dining room. Already cleaned out the playroom so that's just about ready to go...OHH MY G-D!!! How on earth did I acquire such crap?!?! I'm seeing things I haven't seen in years. Items I didn't even remember I had! Go figure. Most people would give things away, hold a yard sale, throw things out. Nope...not me. I look at it, say hell, it would take too much time to figure out what to do with it, so it gets wrapped in newspaper like all the rest and placed nicely in a box...not to be seen again for a long time. Probably!! Or better yet...the planning of a future yard sale...yeah right!! I make myself laugh!!! But, it is funny how you pack and pack and pack for what seems like hours and hours and all you've completed is one box if tea cups. UGH!! How is that actually possible? Alright...hours and hours is obviously an exaggeration, but it sure feels that way. I'm hoping the kitchen isn't as bad. I've already begun the kitchen, I'm about a third of the way done in Sarah's room. So, really it's not so bad. I just like to whine. What will help is that movers are coming to take the furniture out that Keith will take. That will include one of the living room sets, The kid's old bedroom sets, spare bedroom set, dining room set and odds and ends. Once that is done tomorrow, I will get a better idea of what is left over and what still needs to be done. I had a long talk with the kids tonight about what to expect when the movers come tomorrow to take some of "our" things away for daddy. Their biggest questions had to do with the size of the truck, who would drive the truck, could they help the movers and how big the men would be who are moving all of these things....seems like they'll be ok! I think they will enjoy watching it all tomorrow (as long as they stay out of their way or the kids will be spending some quality time with the dogs in their cages! Hahaha...just kidding!!!) I do know that watching all of this tomorrow will make the final move in a few weeks easier for them. They will know what to expect and what will happen. So far, so good...everything seems to be going smoothly. Woops...maybe I shouldn't have said that. DAMN superstition!!
Posted by
9:50 PM