Ok...yes, I'm picture happy. But how can I contain myself when I get such great shots like these??? Today I took Zack and Sarah for a playdate (and mom's too) with Sofia and Ava today. They had such a great time! I can't tell you how nice it is to spend some time with my friend while we hear giggling and playing in the other room (and sometimes some screaming and crashing!) :)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Twin Power!!
Posted by
10:58 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
My Little Blue House
I wanted to share the pictures I took of the house. Most were taken today as a way for me to keep track of stuff. Some were older pictures the agent took last fall. Just click on this picture and it will bring you to the rest. Make sure you read the descriptions under each picture so you know what you're looking at. Thanks for looking!!
Posted by
10:05 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Getting a bit closer!
Well, today was a big day for me. We had the inspection on my house in Uxbridge and after about 2 hours here, they found absolutely nothing to fix or take care of in any way. Wow!! I didn't think that was possible! The radon test still is being done, but no big deal because we have a walkout basement. I'm sure that will be fine as well. The other big thing today was that I applied for my very first mortgage on my own. It's an understatement to say that it has been a stressful couple of days because of this. Never before have I been more confused and overwhelmed. Let's face it, my brain just does not work in numbers! Forget about percentages, points, fees, etc. You lost me at hello!! Thanks to Rob and Keith, I was able to get to a more comfortable point to decide just WHO to go with. Keith was a big help. He spoke with the mortgage broker several times on the phone, read over all my information and answered any questions I had. He even sat down with me and went over my budget. For that I'm grateful, because I know he didn't have time to help me the way he did but as he said "If you are comfortable and settled, the KIDS will be comfortable and settled." Still nice. I know the emotional roller coaster I've been on over the last week! Tonight is the first time I can say that I'm relaxed. Hopefully I won't go to bed tonight with racing thoughts about money, funds, bills, credit reports, mortgages, moving vans, packing boxes...you get the picture. Things are falling into place slowly but Shirley. I'm still cautiously optimistic but optimistic, none-the-less! Now it's down to scheduling the inspection on the little blue house, having the appraisal completed and arranging for a moving company on the day of the closings. Ohh yeah...can't forget about packing!!!!
Posted by
8:43 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My "Little Blue House"
Yes...I said MY little blue house. My counter, counter offer today was accepted. I am cautiously excited as I still have to wait for the contract on this house first. We have the inspection on Wednesday and then it'll be all go to get the signed purchase and sales agreement hopefully by the end of the week. At some point this week I will sign the purchase and sales agreement on my new house and set up the inspections...yes it's backwards! As of now I will be closing on this house the morning of April 18th and then on my new house that same afternoon. Can't get anymore perfect than that!!!! Don't uncross those fingers, toes and eyes just yet...I will write more this week.
Posted by
9:25 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
please, please...PLEASE!!!
Keep your fingers crossed for me. We received and accepted an offer on our house on Thursday and today I went out and made an offer on a house I fell in love with back in December. Thankfully that house was still on the market and better yet...they had lowered the price! What's better than that? So...please, please, PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for me that this all works out. I know I've said before that I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. The people wanting to buy my house had a contract on another house which fell through. They were an unexpected showing, loved it and put in an offer the following morning. The next day I'm looking through real estate listings for myself, getting a little sad because the house I love (I'll now refer to it as the blue house) was a bit too expensive. While looking that very minute, they lowered the price 15K! Right then and there!! So maybe, just maybe this was meant to be!! We have the inspection on our house on Wednesday and then can proceed with the purchase and sales agreement. I am a very superstitious person so will breathe a bit easier once that is done. They want to close on April 18th, so if all goes well...I'll be super busy over the next month!!!! I certainly hope I will be...but I will definitely update here once I hear anything.
Better yet...keep your toes and eyes crossed for me as well! Hey?! It can't hurt!!!
Posted by
6:37 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
My Favorite Birthday Card
I always save the birthday cards I get in the mail until the day of my actual birthday. It's a lot of fun to sit with all my cards and open each one individually. I just had to share the one I got from Lisa Marie...I think Cheryl Hawkinson, from "Personal Expressions" must have known me! What do you think?
This isn't just your birthday,
it's the beginning
of a fresh new year of possibilities.
It might be a year full of events,
accomplishments and insights
you couldn't possibly imagine today.
In your next year,
you may meet new people
and see new things that will add
a new dimension to your life...
You may try something new
you've never considered before
or reach a goal
you never thought you'd attain.
In your next year,
you may gain an insight
that will change your outlook forever...
Your birthday isn't just another day-
It's the beginning
of a new chapter
in the wonderful,
ever-evolving story
of you.
My kids (thank you Keith) did well this year getting my gifts! We had cake last night with balloons and a dozen purple roses...had to be purple from Sarah! As a gift they got me a Pandora Bracelet and picked out a few charms. The little girl, the little boy and a heart from both so I can carry their love for me everywhere I go...I swear that came from them!!! Not me! Can they be any sweeter?? So, now I can build up my collection of charms. Marci got me the birthday present and the Chinese symbol for friendship. My parents and Opa got me a new camera. I just ordered it today and I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET IT AND USE IT!!!!! It's a digital SLR and I know will take the best pictures! I can't wait...can't you tell?!
So, overall it was a great birthday!! Amazing what a difference a year makes! Last year I wanted to sleep through all of this...couldn't wait for it all to be over! This year I had fun! I looked forward to it and relished in it all. Nothing really has changed...but I sure have!! :) It's nice to see, huh? Even Lisa pointed out to me tonight that she notices how much brighter my posts seem here. No more doom and gloom. Well, like my card says, this "isn't just another day- It's the beginning of a new chapter in the wonderful, ever-evolving story of [me]!"
Posted by
8:14 PM