It seems that I'm beginning each post with "I know it's been a long time since I posted, but things have been very busy!" I think I should print that on a t-shirt and wear it all the time!! I know...who isn't busy?! I'm still trying to adjust to working the extra day each week. I may not seem like much to some people, but it's more difficult for me. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I've been spoiled all these years by working part time. Having more flexibility to make plans, appointments, do things with the kids. Now not so much, but it isn't all bad. The extra money will be good...once it actually starts coming in. I'm still able to be here on Mondays at bedtime. I miss sports class but the kids don't seem to mind. Each week I leave Melissa my camera...just in case. No pictures yet but I'll make sure to post some when I get some. The kids say they are playing basketball now. I swear Ms. Tracy plans her sports around Zack's interests! She is such a wonderful and patient teacher!! Who else would VOLUNTARILY work with 2-6 year old classes to teach them sports?! Zack and Sarah have been taking this class with her since they were 3 and it's amazing how far they've come! Once they start kindergarten I'm not sure if they will continue or not. Both expressed interest in getting back into gymnastics. Zack wants to join more organized sports like soccer, hockey, basketball, football, badminton, tennis, bowling, name it...he thinks he will play it. Just like his father...sports addicted! I don't mind. He is very well coordinated and it all seems to come naturally for him. When he misses a shot, or a catch, he laughs it off. Always knows to tell others they made a good try, did well or keep trying. He's happy when other's succeed. It's wonderful to see. Thank you Ms. Tracy!!
My birthday is in a few days and this weekend should be fun...not as planned as it was supposed to be, but that's ok. Zack came down with strep throat today so I was home with them all day and they didn't sleep at Keith's tonight. No problem. Assuming we don't get a blizzard and Zack's antibiotics and Motrin don't work they way the pediatrician promised they would, fun will be had tomorrow night!! I'll update after...if it's appropriate! ;)
I just realized that I haven't updated anything on Opa. (For those who don't know me or him, Opa is my almost 98 year old grandfather who lives in Fla) Thank god my parents are there because this past weekend, apparently Opa had a mild stroke and subsequent TIA's. I could have gotten that wrong, but it's irrelevant. He was in the hospital for a few days, released, but had a setback and is now in the hospital again. His speech and right side seem to have been affected but more tests were completed today to get a better picture of what is going on. Please keep him in your thoughts. I know he is 98, but he is still my grandpa. My Opa. I talked to my mom today about making arrangements to take the kids down there so we could spend some time with him. I will wait on making that decision until we hear from the dr tomorrow. We will know much more then.
Lots of activity on the house this week!! We've had more showings this week than we've had in the last 6 months!! It's nice to see the activity...but let's bring on the offers!!! I swear I'm not going for a Guinness record on the length of time a house is for sale!! Come on already, people!!!
I think that's about it for now!! "see" ya soon!!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Recent Update on Us
Posted by
9:41 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Is it Thursday? Sunday? No, maybe it's Monday.
I know it's been a while since I've posted but I have been very busy. There have been many changes in the practice I work for which unfortunately have me struggling at the moment. I'm told it will all pay off in the long run, but I don't see it yet!! In the meantime I've added another day at work. Not what I would have liked to do, but I really had no choice. So, it's been a pretty good couple of weeks but very busy. My parents arrived in Florida this afternoon and will be spending the weekend in Disney World. Zack and Sarah are so excited and are truly hoping that Mimi and Papa get to say hi to all the characters for them. Next week they will be off to visit Opa (my almost 98 year old grandfather). I haven't seen him since May of last year so I'm anxious to see him hopefully soon as well! My big day is coming up...11 days exactly, but who's counting! It's amazing what difference a year makes! Last year at this time I was in a full blown panic about turning 30 and my life being a train wreck. That was then and I've come a long way since. Yes, I'm still in the same house, living the same life, waiting to move on...but I've learned so much about myself. I've put myself out there to meet new people. I Specifically, have met so many wonderful people through my meet-up group! I'm working hard on me and when I take stock in my life...I know I have a long way to go...but I can also see how far I've come! Anyway, I plan to spend my birthday with the people I love the most and have a BLAST!! (I may or may not remember all of it, but knowing me, I'll be the designated driver! :)
Posted by
10:34 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Freaking Valentine's Day
Yeah, right. This coming from a pathetically lonely, yet love avoidant divorcee. Everywhere I've looked since Christmas has consisted of hearts, flowers and love, love, and more love. This used to be a day to celebrate. Keith will be celebrating. He has someone to celebrate with! Am I jealous? Sort of. I'm jealous of the company he has. The warm hugs he gets if he wants them. I do know he is buying his time with her. How can he be so committed to her when Christmas Eve he was begging for another chance. He can't be alone. But I can. I know that I am spending my time getting healthy. Getting to a point where I can give of myself again to someone else. Be willing and able to trust again. I have a feeling that will take a long time, but I'm hopeful. That's good, right? So, in the meantime, I avoid anything hearts and gushy love stuff. I'm sorry I'm not sending cards to those of you I do love. I just bring myself to that aisle at the store. I will again but for now I hope you all understand. This is Thursday for me, nothing more.
For the kids, on the other hand, it's a fun time. They have no concept of what Valentine's Day really is, but enjoy making pretty pictures and cards for their friends and family. Especially for Sarah...she is thrilled that everything now are hearts and pink! What's better than that for a kid who thinks she is a princess?! So, I hope everyone has a great day, whether you are actually celebrating with your special someone or boycotting the day like me! :)
Posted by
8:54 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I'm finally able to say it...
My kids are weird! I was just talking to them about what we are going to do later, since it's a crummy day outside and I don't want to go anywhere. I suggested after dinner cuddling on the couch with popcorn and watching a movie. Zack said "How about we cuddle and eat carrots?" CARROTS??? I said don't you want popcorn? His response..."But aren't carrots healthy?" Can't argue with that...
Posted by
11:19 AM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I'd like to introduce...
My new and improved Little Pillow!! For those of you who have known me for most of my life have had the pleasure to also know my little pillow. This was the product of a home ec project in my 7th grade class and since then, I may have slept 4-5 days without it. No joke!! It went on every family vacation, cruise, honeymoon and even to the hospital when I gave birth!!! Guess it's my comfort object, because it causes me sheer anxiety at the thought of sleeping without it. Naturally, over the last 20 years, my pillow had been repaired, restuffed...all the necessary "surgeries." But, it has also begun to discintegrate to the point that more "surgeries" wouldn't help. So, the kids and I took a trip a few weeks ago to JoAnn Fabrics and picked out new fabric. Today, while the kids spent the day with Keith, I spent the day recovering my little pillow. It still smells great, is the right shape and is just perfect and brand new! I wish I had before pictures, but enjoy the new and improved Little Pillow...
Posted by
3:50 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
In mourning...
Not me, really, but more like all of New England. Pathetic, I know, but I actually watched the entire Super Bowl last night. At first I said I'd watch the commercials and then at some point I found I was actually watching! Go figure! It took me to get divorced to actually watch a football game. Forget the fact that it was the super bowl! Never mattered before. So, every male New Englander I've talked to today has sounded like their best friend had died. I know it was a big deal, but come on people!!! It's just football!! And now I'm going back to watching TLC, HGTV, and Lifetime...normal girl-stuff!!!
Posted by
1:16 PM