Well, all was good until the bus came. The kids have afternoon kindergarten so we played all morning, talking about school, getting ready for school and doing everything we could to make it as easy as possible. Keith was here and they were fine when we took them to the bus stop. They were playing around all excited. As soon as the bus pulled up both broke down into hysterics, clinging to our legs and screaming on the top of their lungs. The monitor basically took them (better yet, helped us peel them from our legs) and put them on the bus. As soon as they got on the bus they had to talk to the driver and have her change something on their name tag. (Don't get me started on the craziness that is the bus company....)I was watching through the window of the bus and saw that they weren't crying anymore. That made me feel a little better. (ok, a tiny bit better) I had told Keith ahead of time that I wanted him to leave once the kids left. I did not want to entertain him...he has a house 5 minutes away! So he left and I kept myself busy for the afternoon by draining my pool and mowing the lawn and grocery shopping. Keith and I went back to pick them up. The first bus came by which was their morning driver and she said that Zachary was left behind at the school. She recognized him so she brought him home. The whole time I'm thinking she is talking about my neighbor's son. Never did I think it was MY Zachary! Off he comes like it was no big deal! Finally Sarah's bus comes and Keith and I talk with the driver to find out what happened and to make sure it never happens again. I guess the school lines the kids up based on the bus number on their name tag (what they had fixed when they got ON the bus earlier!!). Either he was put in the wrong line or just not put in any line, but thank god the other driver noticed him. His afternoon driver said that she knows him now and would make sure he is with his sister on every drive home. Sarah didn't seem to care that he wasn't there. That shocked me since she has always been lost without him. One day separated and all of a sudden she is Ms. Independent? She said "I told her that Zack was missing." AND??? Whet the hell? I'm going to write his teacher a note to send in his backpack telling her what happened and to make sure it doesn't happen again. I don't know who's responsibility it is to NOT LOSE MY SON!!! Ugh. So, when they came home Sarah wouldn't stop talking about her day. She made a friend named Jordan who she talked about constantly. She told us what she did, what the teacher said, what the kids were like, what everyone wore, even what snacks they brought! Zack, on the other hand, said nothing. Everything was "I don't know." Or "I don't remember." At one point when Sarah was talking about doing something he said "I didn't get to play at all. Only learn." He was pouting. They did said that neither cried in school, which was good, and both said they liked their teachers. Sarah seems excited to go back tomorrow but Zack is already telling me he doesn't want to go. He told me at bedtime that he doesn't want to go and I can teach him so he gets smart. He won't need school to get smart. I tried to reassure him that he did the same thing in preschool but ended up loving it. I told him that mommy would never put him in danger or make him do something he didn't want to do, but school was something he had to do. He seemed ok after talking about it, but we'll see what tomorrow will bring. I know it's a tough transition and the first time he and Sarah are separated but I hope it isn't something more. We'll see! Here are the pictures I took of them before they got picked up. I HAD to take a picture of the actual bus because I had wanted to take a picture of them boarding the school bus, but it wasn't possible. Oh well. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Kindergarten, here we come!!!
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7:53 PM
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Hey - you survived the 1st day of Kindergarten! Day 2 for me was Leo clinging to my leg screaming for me not to go. (He didn't do that the first day - maybe because there was too much else new going on in the classroom.) Anyway, his teacher told me to just leave and she would take over. So Leo and I had a chat tonight about how I can't stay with him in the morning like I used to at preschool - and that Mrs. Barker has a job to do that begins exactly at 8:45, so I have to leave. We'll see how tomorrow goes (for both of us!).
Oh my goodness Karie, what a nightmare with this bus. I can't believe they came home on 2 different buses. Thank goodness you were there when they arrived. Hope you got it straightened out. Good luck with dance class. Talk to you soon. Love, Lisa
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