Wow! Ya think after a month it's about time for an update?!?! Gosh, everyone! I'm sorry!
Let me go backwards because it's easier for me...Zack and Sarah are now 5 years old!! I can't believe 5 years ago I held tiny (and I mean teenie tiny) newborns in my arms and began the wonderful journey of parenthood. (Bear with me for a minute while I gush...) I would not have changed a single minute of the last 5 years. Of course I would have changed how many times I yelled rather than stayed calm, how many times I jumped to conclusions, how many times I said no before really thinking it though, how many times I struggled with my discipline, let them do things they really shouldn't have, rushed when I should have reveled in the moment or spent too much time dealing with me and missing opportunities to make new memories with my angels. But, really?! Who hasn't?? So, it's not news to me that I'm less than worthy for the mom of the year award, but when it's all said and done, I think my kids are pretty damn great!
Zachary is just as laid back as he was at a week old which is good and bad. Sometimes I wonder if anything bothers him..."Zack, go in time out! Ok mom!" With a smile on his face! Other times I see him watching and studying things, learning how to do everything to the best of his ability. This includes sports. The little man is already hitting well to overhand (faster) pitches and will run and adjust himself to catch all the pop-ups he can. He amazes me with his athletic ability. We just signed him up for hockey and he will begin that in September. If he takes after his father, he will be better on skates than on his own two feet! He loves to build...anything! Legos, blocks, rocks, playing cards...anything he gets his hands on he will build something with. His imagination amazes me!
Sarah is very much the girlie-girl. If it's not pretty, lacy, sparkly, shiny, ruffled or jeweled than it's not good enough for her! She has definitely found her sense of style and takes pride in dressing herself up to the nines! She has also perfected her "mommy" ability with all her "babies." These include her new pride and joy Nathan, Jacob, Sally, Big Baby, Lucy, Steve...I'm sure I'm missing a dozen or so. And she knows exactly who is who and what goes with what! Her patience is non existent lately and she is beginning to grow into her personality, her very loving, caring and stubborn personality. She is also the most inquisitive child I have ever met. She is constantly asking me questions...and very thoughtful questions! It's always why, why, why, how come, how come, etc. I know it's a sign of learning and growth, but it tries a mom's patience. Now we make a joke out of it, but the last thing I want to do is quash the curiosity she has. I think it's wonderful! I want her to keep asking...keep dreaming and keep pushing for bigger and better. Speaking of which, we signed her up for dance (tap and ballet) and she will begin this Saturday. If any of you remember, we've tried this already. The separation anxiety was too much and after battling with her for months, we allowed her to quit. Granted she was 3 years old...but now I am lightly holding my breath. She's been saying all summer that she wants to dance and be a ballerina. We went to the studio, she took the tour, met her instructor and is all ready to go...keep me in your thoughts this Saturday morning when I bring her for her first class.
Their birthday was the 14Th. Keith and I took them to Water Wizz...a water park about 45 minutes away. I definitely have one dare devil and one chicken! Bet you can't guess who is who?! :) All in all, the kids had a great day. We finished the day at my favorite restaurant...Japanese Hibachi style. What a treat for mommy as well. It's become my birthday spot with them. The three of us even went for MY birthday! Their party was yesterday and was a huge success! We even had a bounce house (again) but this time it wasn't picked up until tonight. Needless to say that's where we were at 7am all in our pj's! My poor neighbors...that's all I have to say.
Zack and Sarah begin kindergarten officially next Wednesday the 27Th. I am ok with the whole kindergarten thing, but not ok with the school bus. The thought of handing my children over to a stranger to drive them around without seat belts, car seats, nothing, scares the crap out of me. To say here you are carrying precious cargo! We go this Thursday for their orientation. We will hopefully meet their teachers, see their classrooms, practice using the bus and hopefully meet some new friends. Thank goodness they got afternoon kindergarten. Now I can stay with them all morning each day, drop them off at the bus and then head to work when they go to school. Every day except Friday, but that's ok. Also they will have a new babysitter for after school. They will be going to my neighbor Michelle's house who will pick them up at the bus stop and keep them until Keith gets them at 6pm. Only a few hours 3 days a week. Not bad! She has 3 kids who Zack and Sarah play great with and I get to have peace of mind and save some money. It couldn't have worked out better!
Otherwise we all are well. Been spending way too much time with Keith lately because of their bday stuff and preparing for school. It ok for the most part, but than other days I notice how screwed up our boundaries are sometimes. I'm between a rock and a hard place because I want him to be a part of bday planning and school shopping (because I know I would want to be a part of that) but there are other days when I can't stand him! I notice more and more the reminders why I'm divorced from him...there is no doubt I'm better off! My house continues to come along slowly. It was helpful having the bday party here. Definitely lit a fire under my ass! I put up curtains, 2 pictures and finally put away more boxes. Ok, so some were just put in closets for the sake of the party, but hey?! They are away! :) It's getting there...definitely need to update with some pictures! In the meantime, enjoy these of my big girl and big boy!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hanging my head in shame...
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7:30 PM
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they are so cute!
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