This past week I had both kid's conferences with their teachers. Both kids are doing very well! Both say that Zack and Sarah are good friends, listen well, follow directions and are very attentive. She said they are right on target for all of their learning and are testing between mastery kindergarten and emerging first grade. She said their prereading and writing skills are great. I was so happy to hear it! Both teachers said they would have never known that they are the youngest in the class. That was something I was concerned about and I'm relieved to hear it isn't a problem...yet. Sarah's teacher sees none of the anxiety I see at home. I explained to her the different conversations Sarah and I have had at home pertaining to school so she was aware of it should it come up in school. She also said that Sarah is very patient in completing her work in school, even though she has zero patience at home at times! Zack's teacher says he is handling the other students well (the classroom trouble-makers) and will speak up for himself as needed. She says he is shy and does better socially in a smaller group. I've seen that at home as well. She also commented on how well he works independently, despite the chaos at times in her least SHE admitted it! :) Just 2 very different classrooms! So, that's about it! Both are doing great! And thankfully, it seems the torture is saved for me alone at home. Oh great...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hanging my head in shame
Yes, it's been 2 months since I have updated this blog. Bad me! Bad me! It has been a whirlwind 2 months to say the least. I will start and update on the kids...
Zack and Sarah are both doing tremendously well in kindergarten! They seem to really enjoy it, have made good friends and the teachers can not speak any better about each of them! (So far...haven't had the parent/teacher conferences yet!!) They are separating fine and it isn't even brought up anymore that they don't see each other much in school. The minor issues have been some bullying in Zack's class, which seems to be fine now, Sarah ever-present anxiety about missing the bus, fire drills, going to the nurse, forgetting her folder...poor baby! I have initiated nighttime talks with her every night to try to help with her anxiety. We talk about everything, especially things that are bothering her. She was beginning to get stomach aches from the worrying but that has definitely improved. I think we have a long road ahead but we just have to take it one day at a time!
The kids had a fantastic Halloween! They carved pumpkins with daddy and he came over to go trick or treating. It was the first time they were really excited and actually made it the entire block! Enjoy the pictures...
Since the last time I updated, I was told that Sarah needed glasses. She was very excited at first because she looked like her momma, but the novelty of it all has worn off. She wears them but would rather not. Sorry kid!! It looks like Zachary will need some mouth guards or something soon because his jaw is out of line. That should be interesting to have a 5 year old understand that he has to keep it in his mouth...I'm just picturing Anthony Michael Hall from whatever 80's movie that was!!
Zachary started hockey and is a natural on the ice. Unfortunately he has decided that he doesn't like it and would rather not skate on a team. Keith was able to be an assistant coach and I think his best intentions backfired. He would freak out when Keith would even look at another child and did not understand that he was there to help the entire team. He thrived with his father's undivided attention but it wasn't possible in that atmosphere. So now I think Keith will just spend time with him on the ice and teach him alone rather than pushing the team. But, he looks awfully cute in his equipment!!
Sarah is also doing ballet and tap every Saturday morning and LOVES it!!! She has made some good friends in her class and is counting down the days until her recital in May! Poor thing has no idea she has to still wait 7 months!
So, overall, both kids are thriving!
Now to my update...I've actually been dating someone for a while...ok, not too long but it's certainly a whirlwind romance! I can honestly say I haven't been happier in years. Obviously things are going well and I can only hope it continues to go well. pictures here!! Not yet! ;)
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1:21 PM